Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Lake Tahoe" or "Double Rainbow all the way across the skyyyyyyy!!!!"

Next stop: Lake Tahoe!! 

Our next stop on the journey was Lake Tahoe in California. Lake Tahoe is a large freshwater lake nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Luckily our hotel was just across the street from the beach, and we spent much of our first day sitting by the lake. While the water was a bit too cold to swim, the beach itself was amazingly beautiful! 

This is the view from our hotel room balcony. The hotel was a wooden, two story building. We were on the second floor and could see the lake and mountains across the street.
The beach! How unbelievable are those mountains?!

Later that evening, after walking along a new part of the beach, the sky darkened and it began to hail. When the hail cleared, a double rainbow appeared over the lake. The lighting was so gorgeous, but it was hard to capture the rainbows on our camera. Here are some of the prettier shots we managed to get before and after the hail.

Right before the hail 

(This kind of  looks like it was shot in sepia, but that was the actual color!)

The rainbows were so beautiful, we reacted a lot like this guy.... wellllll... maybe not quite SO enthusiastically. But we did repeat the phrase "double rainbow all the way across the sky! what does it meeeeannn?????" for the rest of the trip. Check out the video: Funny Double Rainbow Guy Video