Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Homeward Bound!

Driving: Day One

After San Fran, it was time to start driving back east! After our Redwood/Point Reyes hikes we drove back to the starting point- Reno, NV. We got there too late to visit any of the sites, but we did make use of the outdoor pool, one of the highlights from our time in Reno.
Picture does not represent actual nighttime swim.
The next day we set off on one of the longest driving days of the trip (12 hours + 3 states). First we crossed through Nevada, stopping in Elko, NV and Winnemucca, NV. The trip through NV was marked by vast stretches of desert and mountains cast in hues of purple and pink.

We took a break from driving to take some pictures off the highway. 

Next we drove through Utah. We saw salt flats on the side of road as we were driving. It was dark by the time we got to Salt Lake City, but we had a chance to stop and eat dinner there. Unlike Pittsburgh, the city was alive and bustling with people at night. 

In Salt Lake City, right before dinner at P.F. Changs.

At the end of the long day we stopped for the night in Rock Springs, WY. Rock Springs seemed like such a small town that we were sure we would get a great rate on a hotel. Dan went into the first hotel and was told that there was only one room available, a suite, and it was far above our price range. Dan asked about other, cheaper hotels. The clerk told him that all of the hotels were booked up. When Dan was shocked, the clerk responded: "well, it's Rock Springs."  Since there were no other towns nearby and it was close to 2:00 a.m., we kept looking in Rock Springs and eventually found a room. The next day we learned that Rock Springs is a Halliburton hub. Miners come to the area and live in the hotels during the week then return home to their families on the weekends. 

Rock Springs, WY
We took this picture outside of the place where we got coffee. It was a bike shop/coffee shop combined. We had a really cool conversation with the girl working there. She knew immediately that we were from out of town and was able to explain the miners/hotel situation to us. She also told us that she dreams of going to college in Salt Lake City someday. 

Driving: Day Two 

The next day we finished the trek across Wyoming and drove to Colorado. Our view of Wyoming from route 80 was a picture of desolation and mountains marred by mining. Unlike Nevada, Wyoming was covered in gray mountains instead of the majestic purple mountains of the Sierra Nevada. We stopped in the small town of Rawlings, WY and later in Cheyenne, WY for lunch. As soon as we crossed into the high mountains of WY, the scenery became much prettier and more enjoyable. Unfortunately we didn't have much time in Cheyenne, but we liked it a lot. Cheyenne was bright, clear, cool, and seemed to embody the western spirit. 

In front of City Hall. The girl who took our picture gave us a Wyoming state flag to hold for flair. 

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